3 Ways to Celebrate National “I Love My Feet” Day

At NY Foot Health, August is one of our favorite months because it has a day dedicated to showing love to your feet! This amazing part of your body is often the silent workhorse getting you where you need to go every day. Each foot is made up of 26 bones, 30 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which work in complex harmony to allow you to walk, run, squat, climb, and more.

Here are three ways to celebrate:

1.      Take Time for Foot Care

You don't need to invest much time in a basic foot care routine.

  • Simply wash your feet daily with soap and water (dry thoroughly to help prevent fungal infections).

  • Moisturize them at night before bed.

  • If your feet sweat excessively, apply a foot powder before you put your socks and shoes on.

  • Add a weekly inspection of toenails and trim as needed--straight across and not too short—and you’ve got a good regimen.

  • Look your feet over when you’re washing them. If you notice any unusual lumps, wounds that don’t seem to be healing, or toes that are moving out of place, report them to your podiatrist promptly.

  • If you don't have a podiatrist, "I Love My Feet" Day is a great time to find one. Our online directory provides a trusted list of foot doctors in your area.

2.      Do a Shoe Inventory

One of the best ways to prevent many common podiatric problems is by wearing well-made, supportive shoes that fit properly. You can make a big difference to your feet by going through your closet and discarding worn-out or uncomfortable shoes. It’s also wise to get rid (or at least greatly pare down your collection) of shoes with heels over two inches and narrow, pointy-toe boxes. Spending too much time in these styles can lead to problems, from ingrown toenails to bunions. Once the purge is complete, treat yourself to a few new pairs with great arch support and padded insoles. Get your feet professionally measured, as foot size can change as you age.

3.      Make Good Lifestyle Choices

You may not realize it, but one of the best ways to show love to your feet is by taking care of the rest of your body. Eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and not smoking will help reduce your risk of many diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, which can have serious consequences for your feet.

For more information about being proactive in caring for your feet, contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.


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