Weight Matters For Your Feet

At NY Foot Health, we are committed to helping patients be proactive in their podiatric health. There's a strong connection between your weight and the health of your feet. Your feet carry the load of your entire body weight—the more you weigh, the harder your feet work.

Here are some facts and statistics about obesity and foot health:

  • According to an APMA survey, 74% of overweight Americans experience foot problems.

  • In NY state alone, 39% of the population is obese.

  • Being overweight increases your risk for heel pain, arthritis, tendonitis, sesamoiditis, and other common foot problems.

  • In addition, being overweight increases your chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, resulting in neuropathy and poor circulation, which are devastating to your feet.

  • Problems in your feet caused by obesity can lead to pain and problems in your knees, hips, and back.

Moving the Number on the Scale

The good news is that even losing a small amount of weight can significantly improve your podiatric health. That's because, for each pound you lose, you can reduce the strain on your feet by up to 4 pounds. Losing weight can also make it easier to be more active, which can help you lose even more. Your podiatrist can help. (Don’t currently have a podiatrist? Find one in your community with our online directory.) Some strategies to consider:

  • Consult your foot doctor promptly about any pain or discomfort in your feet or ankles. Podiatric pain will slow you down, and subconsciously, you'll choose to be less active, which leads to weight gain. Fixing your foot problem is a great place to start.

  • Stay current with other medical checkups and watch your blood sugar and cholesterol numbers.

  • Many people know they need to lose weight but lack motivation. Get specific: I want to lose 20 pounds so that I can play more with my grandchildren, take a backpacking trip, or run a 5k.

  • Get a healthy eating plan—there are many programs and ways to lose weight by changing your diet and eating habits. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist for suggestions. Be realistic and commit only to what you know you can do. Remember, small changes can add up to big results!

  • Add activity—being physically active goes hand in hand with healthy eating to reduce weight and feel better overall.

To learn more about lifestyle choices that affect your feet, contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.


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